Regarding compliance with encryption specification recommended by Japan e-government and similar encryption algorithm, we cannot answer clearly due to securement of security although encryption of HULFT is unique logic.
By the way, 'HULFT8 CipherOption(AES)' (*1) that is one of the HULFT options complies with encryption specification recommended by Japan e-government, and utilizes AES encryption that has passed the CAVP test by NIST.
As following above, if you utilize the encryption recommended by e-government, 'HULFT CipherOption (AES)' (*1) is preferred.
And 'HULFT Cipher Option (C4S)' (*4) that uses chaos function for the purpose of strongly secured common encryption method, is also useful.
Official name in version 7 is 'HULFT7 encryption option (AES)', and its of version 6 doesn't support it.
It stands for National Institute of Standards and Technology, which is governed by CAA.
It stands for Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program.
It is the institution that takes on the compliance test and authorization against algorithm regulated by NIST in USA.
Official name in version 7 is 'HULFT7 encryption option (C4S)', and its in version 6 is 'HULFT encryption option'.