About providing technical support services using screen sharing
[What is Screen Sharing Support?] Screen Sharing Support Service is a support service where you can share your screen with us, and our technical support sta... 詳細表示
How to log in to the HULFT Technical Support site
The following two procedures are available for logging in to the HULFT Technical Support site. Log in from the HULFT Technical Support site Log in fr... 詳細表示
Whether HULFT Family products support AWS
We have not conducted operation check specialized for AWS, but the OS on AWS is supported by HULFT Family products, we support it same as local environme... 詳細表示
How To Check Return Values of Utility
The following are the methods to check the return values for each OS version. For Windows: echo %ERRORLEVEL% For UNIX/Linux (b shell type) echo $? ... 詳細表示
When you upgraded to "HULFT-DataMagic" from "HULFT Data Conversion Pro/Standard" the product license was moved and rewritten. Simultaneous usage violates the... 詳細表示
When you upgraded to "HULFT-DataMagic" from "HULFT Data Conversion Pro/Standard" the product license was moved and rewritten. Simultaneous usage violates the... 詳細表示
How to verify your HULFT Serial Number
A method to verify your serial number varies depending on the OS or HULFT version. Windows Ver.5 : HULFT Management screen's[Help]-[Version Informatio... 詳細表示
Compliance with encryption specification recommended by Japan e-government
Regarding compliance with encryption specification recommended by Japan e-government and similar encryption algorithm, we cannot answer clearly due to secu... 詳細表示
Is HULFT Running in Virtual Environments Supported?
If the OS running on the virtual environment is one that HULFT supports, the product is supported. However, we do not provide special checks for virtual envi... 詳細表示
Licensing for Simultaneous Use of HULFT
Each HULFT license permits use on one OS, therefore one liense is enough even if you operate multiple HULFT simultaneously on one OS. 詳細表示
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