• No : 30755
  • Open Date : 2019/09/09 15:59
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[DataSpider Servista] Please tell me how to reduce the usage of repository DB.

The usage of repository DB has increased. Please tell me how to reduce the usage of repository DB.
Category : 


The repository DB stores configuration information such as projects, user names and services, and DataSpider file system information. Within these, you can reduce the amount of space used by deleting project history information and file data that is no longer referenced.
  1. Delete Project History
About projects, the past history data are stored in the repository DB. You can reduce the used capacity by deleting unnecessary past history data.
Please execute one of the following methods:
▼From My Project
Please download only the latest version and delete the original project by using the "Specify a version and Download", and then upload the latest version.
For more details, please refer to the help of reference information.
▼Server Switchover
Export only the latest version using "Server Switchover” and then after you delete the original project, please import it.
If you are using the project overwrite import, please note that there are some cautions such as a project not included in the import file may get deleted from the list of my projects.
For more details, please refer to the help of reference information.
  1. Delete file data that is no longer referenced
You can completely delete it by the clean-up process of the repository DB. Please refer to FAQ No. 30689 for details.
  • Execution Sequence
When you delete the project history, unnecessary file data may remain. It is recommended to execute both “1” and “2” in this order.
  • How to correspond when the capacity increases rapidly
If the capacity increases rapidly in a short period of time, this is not due to the capacity increase from normal usage, but it may be caused by another factor such as a large amount of data is being outputted to the repository DB. In this case, please confirm the processing details that were executed most recently.
Reference Information
・[My project]
・[DataSpiderServer Settings]-[Server Switchover (Export) / Server Switchover (Import)]