• No : 30709
  • Open Date : 2019/08/30 15:54
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[DataSpider Servista] Please tell me the adapter included in the influence range of the setting (the communication is via the proxy server)

If I specify it in the following configuration file, the communication to the connection destination can be made via a proxy server. I would like to know the adapter included in the influence range of the setting (the communication is via the proxy server)
Category : 


When the proxy server is specified in the configuration file ($ DATASPIDER_HOME /server/conf/ system.properties), the adapters whose communication is changed via the proxy server are as follows.
  • REST adapter
  • Web adapter
  • Web Services Adapter
  • kintone adapter
  • Sedue Adapter
  • DataSpider BPM Adapter
Please refer to property reference from "Reference Information" for how to set the proxy server.
In addition, Salesforce adapter can set the proxy server in the properties of the global resource. Please refer to the property reference from "Reference Information" for the details below.
Reference Information
•Property Reference
•Global Resource Property (Salesforce)