• No : 17589
  • Open Date : 2013/08/02 17:03
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Regarding Error Codes When an Error Occurs (UNIX/Linux)

Please tell me how I can look up error codes for the UNIX/Linux version of HULFT.
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There are two types of codes for the logs; end codes, and details codes. You can check them via the Management Screen (utladmin) or the display list command (utllist, utlobslist). They will be displayed in 4 column increments, so please reference the following three numbers.

00000-0000 (end codes - details codes)

Additionally, error codes and details codes are classified based on the process that encountered the error. The information error codes display is discussed in the "End Codes List" section of the "Error code - Messages" manual.

The information displayed from details codes is as follows:

(1) If the end code is an error from the other party's side:

If the other party's machine is using zOS, MSP, XSP, or VOS3:

  • Please reference the other party's machine's "Send Side Error Details Codes" and "Receive Side Error Details Codes" from the "Error Codes - Messages" manual.

2. In cases other than listed above:

  • Reference the other party's machine's end code via the "Error Codes - Messages" manual.

(2) In cases other than listed above:

Reference the details code based on the contents of the end code.