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Search via FAQ No.

  • No : 30743
  • Open Date : 2019/09/09 15:56
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[DataSpider Servista] Is it possible to switch over from an environment developed by the repository DB to another environment without the repository DB?

Is it possible to migrate from an environment developed by the repository DB to another environment without the repository DB?
Category : 


You can not switch over from the environment with repository DB to the environment without repository DB.
The settings created in an environment with the repository DB should be recreated in an environment without the repository DB.
However, you can switch over from an environment with the repository DB to an environment without the repository DB by using the [Download to Local] and [Upload from Local] functions only for the project [My Project].
Please refer to FAQ No. 21243 for the procedure to switch over from an environment without the repository DB to an environment with the repository DB.
■Reference Information
·FAQ No.24411 [DataSpider Servista] Is it possible to change to use the repository DB even after the installation?