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Search via FAQ No.

  • No : 30717
  • Open Date : 2019/09/02 14:47
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[DataSpider Servista] About errors on MySQL side

The following error occurred in an environment running the MySQL adapter or using MySQL for the repository DB:
com.mysql.jdbc.PacketTooBigException: Packet for query is too large (<value of packet trying to communicate>> <upper limit of packet being set>). You can change this value on the server by setting the max_allowed_packet ' variable.
Please tell me about the cause and a way to resolve this problem.
Category : 


An error has occurred on MySQL side.
This error occurs when the packet size, larger than the set value of MySQL, is sent or received.
For details, please refer to the MySQL manual from "References".
In the past cases, the error was resolved by changing the MySQL setting regarding the maximum value of packets sent and received from the server. The name of the setting that has been changed is as follows.
The MySQL manual described in the "References Information" section has the same solution. Please check the details.
As for "max_allowed_packet", it differs depending on the product operation or your environment. Therefore, no value is recommended as a product.
Please set an appropriate value based on "value of packet attempted to communicate" output in the error message.
Reference Information
The packet is too big (MySQL 5.6)