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Search via FAQ No.

  • No : 30671
  • Open Date : 2019/08/30 15:50
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[DataSpider Servista] For the sake of investigation, we want to specify options when you start the javaVM.

I want to specify an option when starting javaVM for investigation. How should I set it up?
Category : 


If you specify the java option by starting the DataSpiderServer and DataSpider Studio, please specify in "lax.nl.java.option.additional =" of the corresponding lax file.
When specifying for a DataSpiderServer process, specify in DataSpiderServer.lax. When specifying for a DataSpider Studio process, specify in DataSpiderStudio.lax.
For more information on lax files and how to set them, please refer to the links for reference information.
The options covered by support services are only for those which described in "Property Reference" in Reference Information
Regarding the problem that occurred with other options specified, support services will not be available and even if you make an inquiry, we can not proceed with the investigation.
If you encounter a problem in an environment where the investigation option is specified, please contact us, after confirming that the same problem occurs even if the investigation option is removed.
Reference information
  • Property reference