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Search via FAQ No.

  • No : 24463
  • Open Date : 2016/06/13 14:15
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[DataSpider Servista] When saving the project, error message is displayed and was unable to save the project

The upcoming error message was output when saving the project and was unable to save the project. Let us know the information required for investigation.

Failed to save the project.
com.appresso.ds.script.project.ProjectException: Failed to save the Entry. id=xxxxxx 
Category : 


When executing the save in DataSpider Studio, there might be communication disturbances between Server - Client or the target project might be damaged due to the data registration error to the file system or database.
Provide the 8 points given below for each investigation.
  1. Script name in which error has occurred
Check the script name in which error has occurred. It would be necessary for checking the log or project data.
  1. Date and time when the error has occurred
Check the date and time on when the event was checked. It would be necessary for confirming the log.
  1. Project save status
Check whether the project has been saved successfully. It is necessary to systematically isolate the error occurrence due to static items such as environment, settings, data or due to dynamic items like the process status or operation.
  1. Operation details, configuration details
When there is a case same as No. 3 where the project saving is done, then check the date and time of previous saving, the operations that were executed, the settings that were changed within that time. It would be necessary for duplication check.
  1. Confirmation with DataSpider Studio in other environment
Check whether the same error outbreaks even in the DataSpider Studio that is installed in other client. It would be necessary to check the problems that arise due to the specific DataSpider Studio status.
  1. OS System Log
Check whether "Error" or "Warning" is displayed just at the outbreak of the event. It would be necessary to check whether the environmental factors such as communication environment, OS etc. are the cause of error.
  1. Project file
Provide the project file that includes the script in which the phenomenon occurs.
*You can display it by clicking on "Download to Local" from the right click menu or from file menu after selecting the relevant project from My Projects.
It would be necessary to check whether there is any problem in the project data.
  1. Log file
Send the log file of the date and time when an error has occurred.
  • Server side
$DATASPIDER_HOME/server/logs/server.log.N (* N is single byte numeral)
  • Client side
$DATASPIDER_HOME/client/logs/studio.log.N (* N is single byte numeral)

It would be necessary to check the process status that is at the time of error occurrence.