HULFT Backups Using Tools Other Than the tar Command
We recommend using the tar command because that is the tool that we have confirmed. However, there is no restriction on what tool can be used as long as when... 詳細表示
How to Use Downloaded Product Modules (i5OS iso file)
You can do this in the following two ways. Binary transfer the iso format file to i5OS via a general FTP and mount the iso file via virtual disk. Take th... 詳細表示
.NET Framework 4 Behavior (HULFT Series Windows)
It depends on the product version. Please check for details at [Home]-[HULFT Product Environment Search] on 詳細表示
When you upgrade HULFT, the serial number from the previous version is moved and rewritten. Simultaneous usage of post and pre-upgraded versions of HULFT is ... 詳細表示
About HULFT's Encryption Strength
Because we do not make our encryption algorithm public, we cannot publish the indices regarding our encryption strength. The encryption is formulated with a... 詳細表示
“Serial/Product Key is Unauthorized.” Message Outputs Upon Installing HULFT
The corresponding message outputs when an HULFT installed environment and information set in the Product Key Issue screen does not match. Specifically, th... 詳細表示
If vulnerabilities are found in other companies' products, we announce the impacts they might have on our products and possible solutions at the site below... 詳細表示
Licensing for Simultaneous Use of HULFT
Each HULFT license permits use on one OS, therefore one liense is enough even if you operate multiple HULFT simultaneously on one OS. 詳細表示
Effect of Applying Windows Update and Service Pack
We confirm Windows operation verification per OS version and Service Pack, but as a general rule we base it on the latest available version. We do not confi... 詳細表示
How To Check Return Values of Utility
The following are the methods to check the return values for each OS version. For Windows: echo %ERRORLEVEL% For UNIX/Linux (b shell type) echo $? ... 詳細表示
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