• No : 30812
  • Open Date : 2019/09/09 11:47
  • Print

[DataSpider Servista] I installed DataSpider, but it is not starting.

I installed DataSpider, but it is not starting. What should I do?
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DataSpider Servista consists of Server and a connected client Studio or Studio for Web.
For this reason, if DataSpider does not start up after the installation, it is important to understand the problem whether the Server will not just simply start up or whether Studio will not start up due to a connection failure between the Studio and the Server.
The installation guide that is included in the installation media provides troubleshooting information for common problems, such as the DataSpider Server does not start up immediately after installation or the Studio connection failing.
Please refer the DataSpider Server 4.2 Installation Guide, the latest version as of March 2019, for troubleshooting information.
<Page and overview of troubleshooting described in DataSpider Installation Guide>
Page 111
20.3.1 "License File Not Found" Error Occurs and DataSpiderServer Does Not Start
Page 112
20.3.2 When Restarting DataSpiderServer, "LifecycleException: Protocol handler initialization failed" error occurs and restart fails
Page 113
20.4 DataSpider Studio can not connect to DataSpiderServer.
<How to obtain the installation guide>
The installation guide is included in the installation media.
In addition, after logging in to MyHULFT [https://his.hulft.com/], you can also obtain the latest version of the installation guide by searching for DataSpider from [Product Information]-[Manual] on the left menu.
If the problem persists even after confirming the above installation guide, please contact our technical support.