• No : 30796
  • Open Date : 2019/09/05 12:25
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[DataSpider Servista] How do I add leading zeros to data in the Excel cells?

I want to add leading zeros to data in the Excel cells to align with other data. How do I add leading zeros to data in the Excel cells?
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If you want to add a leading zero to data in Excel cells, you need to write the number as a string.
The [Numeric Formatting] logic makes it possible to convert numbers into strings of any format.

  • [Numeric formatting]


If you change [Format] to [Specify Format], you can write from an Excel adapter by specifying the type in [String].
For more details on [Format], please refer to following DataSpider Help:

  • [Excel]-[Write]-[Properties]


 As described in the help above, the [Format] of the writing process is available for the [Date] and [Numeric] types.

 The following is a description of the operation when [Insert] is checked. However, in the current operation of the xlsx format, the data is handled internally in the [standard] type and then written according to the format to which it is written. For this reason, even if you set [String] on the Excel side beforehand, the Excel adapter cannot write the leading "0".
  The format used is the insertion position format. Even if you specify [Format and Write] in [Format Setting], it will be invalid.
 If the above applies, please use the xls format or uncheck [Insert].

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