• No : 30675
  • Open Date : 2019/08/30 15:53
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[DataSpider Servista] When registering date and time data with the Salesforce adapter, is it possible to specify a time zone and register it?

When registering date and time data with the Salesforce adapter, can I specify a time zone and register it?
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Yes, it is possible to register.
If the registration data hold time zone information, it will register to keep the time zone information.
If there is no time zone information, it will register with the DataSpider Server's time zone.
For instance, if the DataSpiderServer's time zone setting is set to "Asia/Tokyo" environment and the data "2016-01-01 00:00:00" is registered, it will be registered as "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000+0900".
If you want to register in your time zone, after changing a date and time data in a character string using the date and time formatting logic, please add the information of the time zone. After converting it into a date and time data using the date and time parse-logic, register it.
For example, there is a date and time information that is "2016-01-01 00:00:00", and if you want to register it in the Japanese time zone. You need to convert into character string data "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000+0900" by using the date and time formatting logic. Then, convert using the date and time parse-logic of the following setting,
"Yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH: mm: ss. SSSZZ"
and register it.
Please refer to the reference information link for each logic details.
Reference information
  • Date and time formatting logic
  • Date and time parse logic