• No : 30673
  • Open Date : 2019/08/30 15:51
  • Print

[DataSpider Servista] An exception occurred while communicating with the adapter.

The following exception occurred while communicating with the adapter.
java.io.IOException: The existing connection has been forcibly disconnected by the remote host.
Please tell me how to investigate the cause.
Category : 


The error of your question will be a generic error of java.
When an application tries to use the connection, it occurs when the connection is in a state that cannot be used.
Probable Cause
The reason for not being able to use the connection may be that the connection destination, the OS, the network, etc. to which the application is connected has been disconnected, or it has been disconnected unintentionally due to a communication failure or such.
Area of Impact
This error may occur if the adapter communicates with the outside. In the past case, it occurred in the FTP adapter, an adapter that connects to RDB.
  • Check the cause of the communication interruption
Please check the communication connection destination, the OS, and the network environment, and identify the location where the connection was disconnected when the error occurred.
For example, these are the following factors:
  • The connection destination is disconnected before the communication is completed
If an exception always occurs at a specific connection destination, the connection destination may have disconnected before the communication is completed.
  • The OS or the network side has disconnected the connection
If the error occurs only after a certain amount of time has passed, the connection may have been disconnected after a certain amount of time has elapsed due to the network environment settings.
  • There is a communication problem when a problem occurs
If there is variation in the error frequency with the same settings, it is possible that an error has occurred because of the unstable communication environment.
From the exception that has occurred, you can confirm that the connection cannot be used. However, the cause of the connection becoming unavailable cannot be checked from the exception because multiple factors can be assumed.
For this reason, you will need to check from the connection destination or the environmental factors.
Reference information
java.io.IOException: An existing connection has been forcibly disconnected by the remote host.
is not a product-specific error but a general-purpose error of java, which can be found on the WEB as follows.