• No : 30627
  • Open Date : 2019/09/05 16:03
  • Print

[DataSpider Servista] Please tell me how to specify a DataSpiderServer process in a Linux environment and how to restart or stop it.

We plan on doing an alive monitor for a DataSpiderServer process in a Linux environment. Please tell me how to identify the DataSpiderServer process in the Linux environment and how to restart or stop it.
Category : 


In a Linux environment, the DataSpiderServer process can be identified by "pgrep -f DataSpiderServerMain". 
If the DataSpiderServer process is started, you can confirm the process ID by the above command result.

If you want to restart, you can restart with "$ DATASPIDER_HOME / server / bin / Shutdown -r".
In the case of a shutdown, the shutdown is possible by "$ DATASPIDER_HOME / server / bin / Shutdown". 
*We execute it without arguments

■Reference Information
 [DataSpider Servista] On what basis can we judge that DataSpiderServer start is completed?

Version Information