• No : 30616
  • Open Date : 2019/09/02 11:54
  • Print

[DataSpider Servista] The following message is output to server.log. Please tell me about the cause and a way to resolve this problem.

The following message is output to the server.log. Please tell me about the cause and a way to resolve this problem.
MM/dd HH:mm:ss|WARN|jxl.read.biff.NameRecord|Cannot read name
MM/dd HH:mm:ss|WARN|jxl.read.biff.WorkbookParser|Usage of a local non-builtin name
Category : 


The message that we received is a warning message that occurs when it reads an Excel 2003 workbook (a workbook in xls format) using the Excel adapter. In the past case, this occurred when a reading workbook contained the following information:
  • A predefined range that cannot reference values or reference ranges correctly.
  • A cell that contains information about deleted cells or sheets in the formula
*The corresponding predefined range or cell is displayed as #REF when you check it in Microsoft Excel.
Please follow the workaround below:
â– Workaround
Please correct the book that corresponds to the above description.
First of all, please identify the script that was executed when the message was output.
*Please use the exec log of "Service Operation" linked in the Reference for specifying the script.
Please check if there are predefined ranges or cells that are #REF in a workbook that is being used in the script. If there is, please correct it as needed.
â– Supplementary
  1. About the execution result
Due to a message being a warning, there might be a case where the script execution will complete successfully and have no problem in the execution result. If there is no problem with the execution results, no action is required.
  1. About the Excel Workbook (a workbook in xlsx format)
This message does not occur in a script execution that uses an Excel workbook.
This occurs in the JExcelApi library that is used in the process of the Excel 2003 workbook; the Excel workbook does not use JExcelApi in the process.
Reference Information
  • Definition of Terms
  • About the Excel Adapter Library
  • Service Operation