• No : 30567
  • Open Date : 2019/08/23 16:57
  • 更新日時 : 2019/09/01 14:55
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[DataSpider Servista] Please tell me the encryption format used in the encryption and decryption logic of Mapper

There is a demand to encrypt data by specifying an encryption format (such as MD5). I would like know what encryption format is used in Mapper's encryption logic and decryption logic.
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The Mapper's encryption logic and decryption logic use The DataSpider Servista's unique encryption method. In addition, a detail will not be disclosed as it will lead to the decryption of encrypted data.
When it is necessary to specify the encryption format, call the encryption tool in [External application launch] to encrypt files and strings, or use an encrypted Web service with a Web adapter or Rest adapter, for your consideration