• No : 30544
  • Open Date : 2019/09/05 16:02
  • Print

[DataSpider Servista] Can the Excel adapter be used even if Microsoft Office Excel is not installed on the machine in which DataSpiderServer is installed?

We are planning to migrate the DataSpiderServer to another machine.
Can I use the Excel adapter without having Microsoft Office Excel installed on the machine in which DataSpiderServer is installed?
Category : 


Yes, you can use the Excel adapter without having Microsoft Office Excel installed on the machine in which DataSpiderServer is installed
However, if the following limitation is applicable, you cannot use the Excel Wizard.
Please refer to the help of reference information for more details

 If you are using the Excel Sheet Wizard and the Excel Put Wizard, it is necessary to install the version of Microsoft Office Excel included in the support version on the OS that runs DataSpider Studio.

 The above information is described in the DataSpider help below:

  • [Adapter]-[File]-[Excel]-[Read Excel]


  • [Adapter]-[File]-[Excel]-[Write Excel]


■Reference Information

  • [Adapter]-[File]-[Excel]-[Operating Environment]



Version Information