• No : 30524
  • Open Date : 2019/09/04 11:00
  • Print

[DataSpider Servista] Please let us know the version of DataSpider BPM that can be connected with DataSpider Servista 4.1.

Please let us know the version of DataSpider BPM that can be connected with DataSpider Servista 4.1.
Category : 


Generally, DataSpider Servista 4.1 can be connected to DataSpider BPM 2.4.
In addition, it can be connected to DataSpider BPM 2.5 by applying a special patch.
Please check the following table for details on the patch application status and supported versions. 
For your reference, we also noted the way to do so with DataSpider Servista 4.0.
  DataSpider Servista applied patch DataSpider BPM applied patch 2.3 2.4 2.5
4.0 SP None
DataSpider BPM Adapter patch application included with SP (*2)
DataSpider BPM Adapter patch application included with SP (*2)
DataSpider BPM Adapter patch application included with SP (*2)
DataSpider BPM Adapter patch application included with SP (*2)
4.1 SP None [DSBPM24_170901_03]
SP1 [DSBPM24_170901_03]
SP2 [DSBPM24_170901_03]
DataSpider BPM Adapter patch application included with SP (*2)
SP3 [DSBPM24_170901_03]
DataSpider BPM Adapter patch application included with SP (*2)
SP4 [DSBPM24_170901_03]
DataSpider BPM Adapter patch application included with SP (*2)
(*1) It is included in DSBPM24_WIN.
(*2) Please refer to the included README for details.
(*3) It is included in DSBPM25_WIN.
Version Information