• No : 24461
  • Open Date : 2016/06/13 14:15
  • 更新日時 : 2020/09/16 14:58
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[DataSpider Servista] Error has occurred when connecting to the DB that does not have an exclusive adapter in JDBC adapter

When I try to connect to the DB that does not have any exclusive adapter in JDBC adapter, the below error occurs and unable to connect. Explain about the cause and counter measures.
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*Contents linked from this page might be in Japanese.
■ Causes
This error occurs when the libraries are not installed.
■ Counter Measures
Refer to help in JDBC adapter and check whether the library (JDBC Driver) is installed in the prescribed directory. Refer to the help in Reference Information for more details on installation method.
The library will be enabled upon restarting the DataSpiderServer. If it is already deployed, then check whether it can be connected by restarting the DataSpiderServer.
・Library Installation (JDBC)

・Library Installation (JMS)