• No : 24458
  • Open Date : 2016/06/13 14:15
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[DataSpider Servista] Is it correct to increase the core count of CPU as a method to accelerate the processing speed of the script?

Is it correct to increase the core count of CPU as the method to accelerate the processing speed of the script? Else is it good to increase the clock count?
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■Specification Description
In normal script, single script will be executed by a single thread. Hence, the processing speed of the script will not be increased even if you increase the core count. However, if single script is executed with multiple threads, you can perhaps improve the processing speed. The below method is available for the same.
In case of PSP script
In case of PSP script, reading, changing and writing are executed in the respective threads.
When using the Thread component
The process that is included in the thread component will be executed in Multi-thread.
In normal script, it is possible to accelerate the processing speed of the script by increasing the CPU clock count. In this case, it is possible to expect the result where the CPU is in bottleneck. But when the data source of the connection path or memory is in bottleneck, then the result cannot be expected.
When it is certain that CPU is bottleneck, then examine to increase the number of clocks.