• No : 24344
  • Open Date : 2016/06/13 14:16
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[DataSpider Servista] I am thinking of unifying the number of script executed within a specific time frame.

I am thinking of unifying the number of script executed within a specific time frame. If you select [If script is running, execute after completion] in the interval setting of schedule trigger, then in regardless of script process time, is the number of execution guaranteed?
For example, if the schedule for next script arrives while another script is running, the script that hasn't started yet will be in queue, and once the first script completes, will the script that was in queue execute immediately?
Category : 


In the interval setting of schedule trigger, you can configure so that status of execution can be verified every second and it will execute the script according to the criteria. A mechanism that will queue executing script is not established.
Therefore, even if you have selected [If script is running, execute after completion] and set it so that script is executed every five minutes, in one instance script may take 10 minutes to complete and on the next execution it may only take one minute to complete, this still does not create an immediate simultaneous execution.
The next execution of script will take place only once after the prior script execution is completed.
If you want to guarantee the number of execution in regardless to script execution time (if you want to unify the number of script execution in a given time frame) then either select [If script is running, execute after completion] or set your schedule trigger on a daily basis per execution.
When utilizing [If script is running, execute after completion], script will execute when it meets all the following criteria.
  1.  Trigger status is ”Standby”
  2.  Within expected ignition time [execution time]
  3.  Exceeded expected ignition time
Script will not execute when it reaches script expected ignition time because trigger status is still in “executing”(therefore it does not fall into condition#1). Script will execute when the initial script completes and the trigger status changes to “standby.”