• No : 24295
  • Open Date : 2016/06/13 14:17
  • 更新日時 : 2020/10/06 15:40
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[DataSpider ServistaWeb] I would like to check the details of the description communicated with the Web Server

I would like to check the details of the description that are communicated with the web server using the Web Adapter, Web Service Adapter and REST Adapter. Is there any method?
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The communication description can be checked by using the log function.
As the module used in Web Adapter, Web Service Adapter and REST Adapter are different, the acquiring method also differs. Refer to the following for details.
Refer to "Reference Information" link for more details on the configuration file
Web Adapter, Web Service Adapter
Add the following to configuration file (dslog.properties).
REST Adapter
Add the following to configuration file (dslog.properties).
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%c] %m%n

In either of the cases, the communication description of the connection path server will be displayed in the below log upon restarting the DataSpiderServer after the settings.
■ Remarks

The capacity of the output result might increase in size based on the processing details and the size or the number of rotations of the log might exceed. In that case, adjust the size or count of the rotations of server.log rather than that of the configuration file.
Even here, refer to "Reference Information" link for more details on the configuration file.
・Property reference