Regarding Combination of Windows Language Environment and Software for "HULFT for Windows"
You can’t operate HULFT without using the proper corresponding language environment for its software. Japanese OS requires a Japanese software and English O... 詳細表示
When you upgraded to "HULFT-DataMagic" from "HULFT Data Conversion Pro/Standard" the product license was moved and rewritten. Simultaneous usage violates the... 詳細表示
Whether HULFT Family products support AWS
We have not conducted operation check specialized for AWS, but the OS on AWS is supported by HULFT Family products, we support it same as local environme... 詳細表示
In many cases, the difference in the version of "Visual C++ Redistributable Package" between the installed version and the version required for HULFT is ... 詳細表示
The Differences between the Product version and the Trial version (HULFT)
The following two differences exist between the product version and the trial version: 1)The Existence of the Trial Period [Trial Version] 60 days trial ... 詳細表示
Yes, even if the language used in the OS for "HULFT for UNIX/Linux" and the language used in the product differ, you will be able to use the product. You wi... 詳細表示
When you upgrade HULFT, the serial number from the previous version is moved and rewritten. Simultaneous usage of post and pre-upgraded versions of HULFT is ... 詳細表示
About the Environment Migration from Trial Version to Product Version
If the version, level, and revision for both Trial and Product versions are the same, it is possible to inherit environment and switch over to the Product ... 詳細表示
“Serial/Product Key is Unauthorized.” Message Outputs Upon Installing HULFT
The corresponding message outputs when an HULFT installed environment and information set in the Product Key Issue screen does not match. Specifically, th... 詳細表示
Regarding the Kernel Version Upgrade on UNIX/Linux
HULFT process is based on the OS level and not on the kernel level. If the upgraded kernel version is compatible then we believe that there is no effect on H... 詳細表示
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